Prolonged pelvic pain, with no swelling, can be a sign of a hidden hernia. Read on to learn about the causes and treatment of the health issue.
Pelvic pain can be a nightmare for any individual, especially when one is unsure about what possibly is causing it. Even though there are many potential reasons for pelvic pain, one very common reason that usually stays undetected is a hidden hernia. In that matter, understanding what a hidden hernia is and how you can get it treated is a must.
What is a hidden hernia?
It is also called an occult hernia, is not visible by the obvious swelling that is associated with a hernia, as it is generally present well below the skin. Hernias may be described as a medical condition where an internal body weakness pushes something through it. The tear is normally so small or at a place that is not easily accessible to a surgeon and hence, goes missing.
Hidden hernia diagnosis
The problem with hidden hernias is that it can cosplay many simple or complex illnesses such as pelvic pain, especially in women, and so are relatively difficult to diagnose. Early diagnoses can be associated with chronic pelvic pain, which may range from sharp, dull, or aching and to intense pain. If your pain worsens with exercise, lifting, walking, bending, or the physical act of lifting objects it is more likely to be an occult hernia. Other symptoms may include discomfort or even pressure in the lower abdomen. More frequently, a sign is pain with activity, particularly anything that uses abdominal muscles like exercising, coughing, and, in some cases, even laughing. Some people also mention a burning or tingling sensation in the affected region.
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Hidden hernia risk factors
When we discuss the risks and what generally causes an occult hernia to form, it is believed that individuals who have already experienced herniation are more likely to do so in the future. Activities that involve a lot of pressure like lifting heavy weights can create a load of pressure on the muscles located around the abdominal area. Or when a person has conditions like long-term coughing, it can also lead to herniation. For women, the increased weight and pressure during pregnancy can be a cause of a hernia to be formed.
The one major challenge linked to occult hernias is that they can be misdiagnosed as they are often missed by the surgeon via regular tests and hence, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs are used to point out a hernia that may not appear exposed from outside.
Hidden hernia treatment
For severe cases, there is minimally invasive surgery through laparoscopies, carried out by observation of the inside of the abdomen to locate hernias. Hidden hernias are generally treated by operative treatment. Several different surgical procedures, which range from the old-fashioned method of making an incision of the size that is a little larger to laparoscopic surgery using a camera to small incisions are used for hernia repair.
If you ever face unexplained pelvic pain, you need to look into the possibility of a hidden hernia. The earlier the condition is diagnosed, the better the possibility to start proper treatment to prevent subsequent complications and improve quality of life. If even after constant treatment your pelvic pain remains, your doctor may suggest a hernia surgery. So, it’s important to be aware of signs and symptoms that would enable early detection and treatment of this often-overlooked condition.