Just before I start with the subject matter, permit me to introduce my late father to you by so starting from the last event of his life. On Friday, 16 June 2023, my beloved father Dr. Haruna Mohammed passed on.
Also, just briefly, Dr. Haruna Mohammed in his life time, was an amiable, simple and very humble religious person who promoted scholarship and knowledge acquisition.
A trained veterinary Surgeon and retired Senior Officer of the Nigerian Customs Service. His life exemplified ethics and selflessness in public service, compassionate community service and a philosophy of interaction which viewed and preached supportive interpersonal relationships as social capital of a higher value.
He inspired many positive values in his children which includes a commitment to interpersonal and group relationships. My late father believed in nurturing the ties of kinship and this includes age long cultivated friendship.
Now, on one of the many VALUES l took from Late Dr. Haruna Mohammed, who is my Father, Model, Inspiration, Adviser, Supporter, Scolder, Disciplinarian, Character moulder, Financier of every need and worthwhile undertaking from cradle till fatherhood and many more…
As far as l know, in every house that Daddy ever lived, he had a bookshelf. I grew up to know a father who was a voracious reader and a “gluttonous” collector of books across disciplines.
Thanks to his passion for learning and books collection. l had read Alex Haley’s ROOTS, Zik’s my Oddeysy, Shehu Shagari’s- Beckoned to serve and many more incredible titles before l was age 12. Needless to say, l have benefited and still continue to benefit from that early exposure to learning from reading.

Much later in life, from his home library in Maiduguri, l read two of the most profound books in terms of impact l ever read to date, (1), The Life of Muhammad (S.A.W) by Haykel Mohammed Hussain and, (2) A Right Honourable Gentleman: Biography of Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa by Trevor Clark.
These two books improved beyond measure, the depth of my consciousness of Islamic history and my understanding of the dynamics that determine political actions and reactions in Nigeria from a historical perspective.
My father, although a thoroughbred student of the pure sciences, was also an exceptional wordsmith with the handwriting of a trained calligrapher. His mastery of use of English language in written communication was always attention arresting.

I recall with pride how his letter of undertaking to my university attracted the intense attention of the screening panel before which l appeared. A panel member told me sternly back then, “It will be a shame if you disappoint the big man who sent you here”.
I took a second glance at the letter and made a solemn pledge to live the words contained therein.
Why am l penning this unintended Tribute to Dr. Haruna?
As l walked into my sitting room this evening to the sight of my books corner and the several unopened crates of recently procured books, l realize that in my demonstrated passion for reading and books collection, l have just been walking in Daddy’s footsteps.
Would l have this passion for knowledge hunting if he was not the father who created the environment for me to explore the pages of epic books at a very tender age? Would l be a books collector if l did not grow to see him acquire them?
Doctor Haruna Mohammed was the very epitome of a CARING RESPONSIBLE FATHER and it gladdens my heart that his positive values, which include ensuring that EVERY need and REASONABLE wants of his family are met, devotion to worship, hard work as a non negotiable pedestal to success, simplicity in approach to life, resignation to the verdict of destiny, contentment with whatever fate throws his path, commitment to the group cause, non discriminatory against persons of different values as his, humility almost a fault, conservative yet cosmopolitan, liberal yet firm on boundaries of values, passionate desire to see the progress of his community, state and country, stickler for rules and regulations, generosity and kindness to the less privileged are a reference point for us to emulate.
Finally, my answer to all those who ask why l spend “so much” on books: It is simply because I LEARNT IT FROM MY FATHER.
May Allah accept you into His blessed Gardens, my Beloved Father…. Ameeen!!!