Browsing: Prof. M.K. Othman

Two weeks ago, the Federal Government of Nigeria declared a state of emergency on food security. The declaration of emergency is the best policy pronouncement of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (BAT) since the assumption into office about two months ago. If this declaration was done with a similar pronouncement of emergency on education and security before the withdrawal of fuel subsidy, it would have set the ball rolling at an exponential speed. It would have been an excellent starting and hopes would have been rekindled, desperation would have been dampened. Nevertheless, we must commend the responsiveness and sensitivity of BAT to the yearning of Nigerians. So far, BAT is the only President who has made such a pronouncement on food security, which is the most essential security to life. Death by hunger is more devastating and traumatic than death by a bullet as hunger takes days of pain and suffering before the body succumbs to the final breath while a bullet takes life in a matter of seconds. Thus, a bullet may be a preferable way to end it all than hunger. We must remember, food insecurity is the mastermind of all other insecurities; banditry, corruption, insurgence, kidnapping, and robbery.

The Titanic crash of 1912 was among the four most calamitous tragedies of the 20th century in the history of humanity. The others were World War I (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918), World War II (1939 to 1945), and the Challenger STS Explosion of 28th January 1986. World War I and II claimed millions of lives and properties worth inestimable trillions of US Dollars principally caused by human conflicts oiled by power greed, colonialism, selfishness, and muscle-flexing among the so-called superpowers and their allies. However, the Titanic crash and Challenger explosion claimed less than 2,000 lives and properties worth a few billion US Dollars were caused by human unforeseen errors that eroded the confidence, which was created by human intelligence and advancement. These two tragedies, the Titanic crash, and the Challenger explosion shocked the world, brought out the fallibility of human technologies, and reinforced the conviction of some of us that Nature has omniscient power, which is auto-galvanized by the Almighty.

Mr. Xnopia (not a real name but a true story) was (un)happily accompanied by his wife and younger brother on euthanasia tourism to Switzerland.  Mr. Xnopia had decided that nothing matters anymore and the time has finally come to just end it all. Assumingly, a due consultation was done between Xnopia’s family and friends and a painful(?) decision was reached that Mr. Xnopia should finally end it all in a legally permitted and assisted suicide. A designated place for such services was approached. Lethal drugs were given to Mr. Xnopia, he willingly accepted after his last handshake with his younger brother while the wife was massaging his hand and assuring him of taking care of his wishes after his death. The lethal drug administrator, a lady, was professional in this life-ending service as she meticulously helped him to his last breath. In a matter of less than ten minutes, Mr. Xnopia was no more, he peacefully and sadly passed away in the presence of his wife and brother who were in black attire symbolizing their planned and expected grief. This death or suicide mission is not monetarily costless, there is a price tag for it. 

ASUU strike was forcedly suspended in October 2022. It was suspended not ended but can be ended in this new dawn. The nation is suddenly breathing the enviable fresh air of hopes for a glorious future under the able leadership of shrewd but consummate politician, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (BAT). As a testimony, BAT was a 2-term governor of Lagos state (1999-2007). His stewardship as governor was (still is) the most highly rated performance of a governor in Nigeria since the inception of the current political dispensation. He touched every sector of societal development particularly the economy, education, power, and the rest. To date, Lagos remains the startling example of good governance and excellent leadership under BAT’s tenure. Can he replicate it at the national level? Time will tell.

Today, 17th June 2023 is exactly 20 days since Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu took instrument of power from President Muhammadu Buhari as the 16th Head of State and 8th democratically elected president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Globally, the performance of leaders is assessed after their first 100 days, then one year in office, and so on but BAT set the ground rolling with a gigantic stride that shook the socioeconomic bone marrow of the nation immediately. From the day he took over, 29th May 2023, several things started happening in quick succession that makes waiting for 100 days to write the BAT scorecard a herculean task with the possibility of making mistakes. Nevertheless, his earth-shattering policy of petroleum subsidy removal needs a thorough discussion in this Column.

Law is an ass, idiot, and an insane blind woman with a sword, ready to swing in any direction.  Like a pregnant woman of those days when nobody could predict the sex of the fetus but today’s technological advancement has invalidated this maxim. The complexity and limpidity of the law have created a dreary concern to many whenever a judgment is to be pronounced. The regimented and conservative court procedure with its perceived supreme power has distanced the common man from the court, which is opposite to the adage “last hope of the common man”. Self-esteem and superiority complex of the law practitioners, the lawyers further compound the misunderstanding of the law by the generality. I remember when a lawyer was assigned to teach us a topic “company’s law” as part of a course called “Engineer in Society” in my undergraduate days, one of his first statements was “I am sure you aware that we lawyers are ‘learned people’ while all of you are educated people”. We were silent as we lacked the argumentative capacity to challenge his audacity. We all gazed at him with a big question mark, what is the difference between learning and education?

I was taught and have taught/still teach in many institutions of learning within and without but two of such institutions are uniquely occupying the center stage of my heart. These two are so dear to me that I can give all I have to advance their causes. Government Secondary School (GSS) Funtua and Ahmadu Bello University Zaria are the two exclusively pricey schools I cannot but continue to hold close to my heart. Coincidentally, my age and the age of these two schools marked our Diamond age in 2022 as they were established in October 1962 while I was born three months earlier. I paid a glorious tribute to ABU Zaria, titled “ABU@60: Giant, Still Briskly Walking in the Right Direction” published on 13th October 2022. This article can be accessed via my blog;

This article attracted mammoth reactions from my readers. It is a sign of goodwill for the Katsina State governor-elect, Dr. Umar Dikko Radda, a round peg in a round hole, an agricultural extensionist in an agrarian state dearly craving salvage. What a timely happening. In the next few days, he will be inaugurated as the first PhD holder, democratically elected to occupy the seat of Katsina state governor. Can he make a positive difference in the lives of Katsina people? Can he outshine others who came before him? He has a catalog of overwhelming challenges but he is also well groomed, educationally, administratively, and experience-wise. May the Almighty Allah see him through. Now, here are selected readers’ comments on the Article, “Irrigation Glorious Future for Katsina State”. Happy reading.

This week, I honored an invitation sent to me in November 2022. I was invited to make a keynote address at the 48th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, tagged “Kano -NSPP 2023” with the title “Plant Health, Crop Improvement, and Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria”. I was hesitant about accepting the invitation but the caliber and personal relationship with the members of the organizing committee could not allow me to reject it. With all the eggheads in crop protection and plant science around, why invite me, an agricultural engineer to talk as a keynote speaker? I later realized the wisdom behind the invitation, someone outside the profession should tell the professionals, his impression, thoughts, and the impacts of the profession on society. It is also an opportunity to talk about the GMT, the question of safety, and so on. This opportunity came on Monday, 15th May 2023 when I faced over 200 participants in the Plant Protection Conference and presented my thoughts on GMT, Food Security, Biosafety law, and public discourse on GMT.