Browsing: Frenzy of "Governance"

There has been a frenzy of governance activities over the past three weeks as the Buhari Administration abandons his “Baba go slow” mode of operation and gets into the “let’s work as if there is no tomorrow” mode.  Many new contracts are being signed daily. Ministries are being restructured one week before the end of the Administration’s mandate. Requests for approvals are flooding the National Assembly, new loans are being taken and above all, publications are being launched on the great achievements of the Buhari Government. The on-going hysteria is best symbolized by the announcement from the Minister of Aviation who is demolishing buildings, restructuring the ministry, sacking and appointing management staff that today, 26th May 2023, Air Nigeria will come into service as it flies into the country. Don’t ask me why it should start service on the last working day of the administration, it’s all part of the governance frenzy. I am one of those who remember that Minister Sirika told us in 2015 that the President has directed him to start a national carrier and it will be done immediately.