This is the continuation of the article of last week, republished as a result of our current “search” for a…
Browsing: Hassan Gimba
Since man became aware of himself and realised that whether by mutual arrangement or contrived by nature, there are always leaders and followers, communities fashioned out ways and means in which to live together under organised systems to regulate and conduct their affairs.
Non-governmental organisations are supposed to be interventionist bodies that are formed to improve the quality of life for people through various means, some of which are one or more out of the provision of necessities such as food, clothing, improvement of educational and healthcare infrastructure and provision of materials, training and many more that would improve the quality of life and enhance employment opportunities.
The managers of education did not compromise quality and standards for they were aware that any pupil with the right foundation in primary and secondary education, can venture into the world and be a huge success. And funds for that were adequately utilised.
There is no Nigerian that will tell you he is not aware of the NLC even if he does not know that it is an acronym for the Nigeria Labour Congress. What the average Nigerian knows about them is that they always go on strike at the drop of a hat, strikes that have lost their meaning because they always achieve almost nothing.
The moral of the story is that good triumphs over evil in the end. No matter how far the hurricane of falsehood carries the people, the rain of truth will ultimately halt the hurricane’s borrowed time.
Conversely, any chaos or breach in security will affect other parts of the North, thereby stretching the capacity of our security agencies with all the attendant consequences.
“We must change”. Even revolutions and mass uprisings have guides. Someone had to mobilise them, sensitise them, and lead the way. And that person is called a leader.
It was just after the publication that I came across a statement by Katsina State Governor, Dr Dikko Umar Radda, who said that his state had gone very far in terms of health delivery and that, bar Yobe State, it is the best in Nigeria.
We went to the waiting area of the hospital and waited to be called in to see her. She soon returned, holding a cup of her drink. She asked me certain questions and, after taking my vitals, sent me to go for a Spirometry Flow-Volume Test, known as Lung Function Test (LFT).